Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice Date

Perched on the back of the motorcycle, relishing that warm breeze in a carefree state of mind.  Over the bridge, through the park, alongside the ocean.  Celebrating this long awaited summer solstice together.  Fish and chips on the beach.  Ice cream on a patio.  Sights and sounds of the season everywhere.  Returning home feeling lighter and freer.  A date that nourished my soul. 


Gena said...

How divine. I feel better just reading about it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding me of days long past. Riding on the back of a motorcycle is blissful. Old thoughts blow away in the wind leaving room for new happy thoughts!!

Vera said...

It is amazing what a short summer ride on the back of a motorcycle can do.