Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spoken from the Heart

The power of words.  Experiencing so many beautiful examples. Meeting up with a friend over coffee yesterday.  Sharing connection and meaningful conversation.  An uplifting visit.  Soon after, reading a message filled with reassuring words from another.  Such caring expressed therein.  In the evening, taking in an author's talk at the library.  Regaling the audience with her life stories.  Resulting in an hour of continuous laughter.  Later, receiving a call from a friend reading my daily post.  Wondering how my day had been.  Reaching out with compassion.  This morning reading loving thoughts sent by another.  Sharing her wisdom.  Friends communicating their care and support.  Offering comforting words.  Coinciding with the good fortune of being entertained by a charming stranger.  Words at times seeming quite inadequate.  Yet so powerful when spoken from the heart. Expressing them and receiving them.  


Gena said...

You are loved and loving, that much I know is true.

Vera said...